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  /  Our-future-skills

From the Christmas holidays to the energy holidays, Felix Åkerstedt from our partner school in Ängelholm in southern Sweden is a guest at our school. He was accompanied to us on 7.1. by two of his teachers, who also took this opportunity for a short job shadowing with us. Felix lives with Viola from the 3BK,

Our school band "Out of Order" was in the recording studio in June and recorded our new Erasmus+ song "Ready 4 Future" there. On the occasion of Erasmus Day in October 2024, there has now been the official release of the number. The music video was created by Sophie Hasler. The song reflects our "Erasmus spirit"

The focus of ErasmusDay 2024 was on the diverse Erasmus activities of our school. On a colorful marketplace with many stations, the students of the 1st and 2nd grades were able to find out about their personal opportunities within the framework of the Erasmus offer at our school and gain an overview of the activities. On this

Anfang September ist Viola Klug aus der 3BK zu ihrem sechswöchigen Aufenthalt in Schweden aufgebrochen. Sie nimmt dort in unserer Partnerschule in Ängelholm am Unterricht teil, lernt Sprache, Land und Leute kennen. Viola wurde super aufgenommen und lebt in der Gastfamilie einer Mitschülerin. Sie schreibt: "Mir geht es gut, die Familie ist sehr nett und hat

Ende April waren Direktor Lars Nilsson und Sprachlehrerin Anna Karlsson von der Nyhemskolan in Ängelholm in Südschweden an unserer Schule zu Besuch. Der Besuch bereitete einen Langzeit-Schüleraustausche im Ausmaß von 5 Wochen zwischen den beiden Schulen im Schuljahr 2024/25 vor. Außerdem nutzten die schwedischen Gäste ihren Aufenthalt zum Besuch verschiedener Unterrichtsstunden in NAWI, Mathe und Sprachen. Wir brachten ihnen,

As part of our ERASMUS+ project, six students, along with our principal Mrs Hasler and Prof. Grainer, spent a week in Syracuse/Sicily at our partner school Istituto Superiore “Alessandro Rizza”.  There, they met with groups from the Portuguese and German schools who are also involved in the project. The project, "Our Future S.K.I.L.L.S.," aims to prepare students for

"Our Future S.K.I.L.L.S." is the title of our new ERASMUS project. In November, we had the pleasure to host the first project meeting with students and teachers from our partner schools. Time flew by quickly, and our guests from Germany, Portugal, and Italy were impressed by the facilities at our school and the excellent organization by Prof.