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Job Shadowing

  /  Job Shadowing

The focus of ErasmusDay 2024 was on the diverse Erasmus activities of our school. On a colorful marketplace with many stations, the students of the 1st and 2nd grades were able to find out about their personal opportunities within the framework of the Erasmus offer at our school and gain an overview of the activities. On this

At the beginning of the semester, Prof. Buzanich participated in an ERASMUS+ job shadowing program in Germany. She visited her former school, the Hüffertgymnasium in Warburg/NRW. “It was truly exciting to find myself there again after several decades and in my new role as a teacher,” she reports. The reception and collegial exchange were very warm,

From April 24-28, 2023, our school hosted Clara Cano Cuevas and Emilie Hernandez Alfaro from our partner school IES Cencibel in Villarobledo (Castilla La Mancha). This is a vocational school with a focus on electrical engineering, viticulture, and transport/logistics. During their job shadowing mobility, the Spanish colleagues participated in classes across various subjects and were able

As part of ERASMUS+, Prof. Norbert Liebentritt and Prof. Alexej Tajmel also went on tour and participated in a job shadowing program in Portugal. The Portuguese colleagues had already been hosted at our school the previous fall.  At the partner school Agrupamento de Escolares Marquês de Marialva in Cantanhede, four different types of schools, from kindergarten to

Thanks to ERASMUS+, not only our students benefit from international exchanges, but also our teachers who have the opportunity to observe their colleagues’ work at partner schools through job shadowing programmes.  In January, our principal Mrs Hasler and Prof. Murschenhofer grabbed the opportunity and visited our Spanish partner school IES Las Maretas, while Prof. Liebentritt and Prof.

Wer anderen Lehrer:innen bei der Arbeit über die Schulter schauen darf, bringt danach viele neue Anregungen und Ideen, Motivation und Inspiration mit zurück an die eigene Schule. Das Erasmus+ Programm fördert dieses "Job-Shadowing". In diesem Rahmen konnten die Professorinnen Judith Friedl und Jennifer Radnasich Mitte September zwei Schulen in Barcelona besuchen - die Escola Sant Josep